The Impact Summit Europe is an investor- and invitation-only conference that aims to catalyse private institutional capital to support the financing of the SDGs and the mainstreaming of impact and sustainable development investing. Some of the speakers of this years edition: Peter Borgdorff (PFZW), Laurie Spengler (Enclude) and former US vice president Al Gore. Special quest: Her Majesty Queen Máxima.
GET ACROSS production of AV facilities, event content and multicam video registration.
Impact Summit Europe is een jaarlijkse bijeenkomst voor institutionele beleggers. Doel is partijen te motiveren om te investeren in SGD’s (Sustainable Development Goals). Sprekers van deze editie o.a. Peter Borgdorff (PFZW), Laurie Spengler (Enclude) en voormalig vice-president van de VS Al Gore. Speciale gast: Hare Majesteit Koningin Máxima
GET ACROSS productie van AV facilities, event content en meer-camera registratie.